Ronald McDonald House


Ronald McDonald House

Fundraising Journey Map

Ronald McDonald House Charities’ fundraising arm is a critical enabler for the organisation’s mission. To engage its people in this continuously improving process RMHC contacted us for help.

RMHC is an independent, non-profit organisation, which helps seriously ill children and their families when they need it most. This important work is heavily reliant on donations from corporate sponsors and the dedication of staff and volunteers in houses nationally.

Sketch Speak and Cornershop Design recently donated their time and expertise to host a Journey Mapping event to help tell the story of how fundraising at the charity has evolved over the years. At this event house managers and fundraising specialists gathered from across the country to celebrate the journey so far and focus attention on what needs to be done next.

So far the visual output has been used to help orient new fundraisers as they join the team. Plans are afoot to broaden the maps usage and make an interactive version accessible via the organisation’s intranet.

Site map

Guy Downes

Website by Cornershop

Jarrod Siegertsz
M: +61 (0)413 338 849

Guy Downes
M: +61 (0)438 819 294


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